Today 65% of Maasai lack access to clean water and 71% lack access to sanitation; It’s hard not to think about water today. In the western world, we face growing concerns about our stewardship of the world’s most precious resource. Most of us have never really been thirsty. We’ve never had to leave our houses and walk five miles to fetch water. We simply turn on the tap, and water comes out. Clean. Yet there are 748 million people on the planet who don’t have clean water.

Here, we’d like to introduce you to a few of those 748 million. They are very real, and they need our help. They didn’t choose to be born into a village where the only source of water is a polluted swamp. And we didn’t choose to be born in a country where even the homeless have access to clean water and a toilet.

We invite you to put yourself in their shoes. Follow them on their daily journey. Now, make a decision to help. We’re not offering grand solutions and billion dollar schemes, but instead, simple things that work. Things like freshwater wells, rainwater catchments and farming solutions that ensure long-term sustainability. We have found this work to be challenging, rewarding, and extremely fulfilling. We hope you will consider joining our mission to improve the well-being of the Maasai people